About Diana
Since very early in my professional development, I became interested in and began developing an avenue of expression focusing on the human form. My works express chromatic variations of human figures in constant motion, sometimes painted in warm and vibrant tones and other times in contrasting cold and somber ones, but invariably juxtaposition in conflict and challenge as implied through strokes and gestures, contortions and convolutions, shading and emphasis. Very often, these figures in motion are opposed by a static body which serves as a silent, but observant spectator. The resultant compilation of forms, colors, and spatial contrasts, where figures break through, then vanish, convey feelings of significant occurrences and emotional realities.
Get in Touch
Email: DianaMonroyStudio@gmail.com
Studio Address: 75 Middlesex Ave. Natick, MA
Phone: (508) 361-3440